MSC Publications
The MSC publications below can also be found on the University of Arkansas ScholarWorks website in the Technical Reports section. Publications might be easier to locate on ScholarWorks; for example, all authors are listed on that site and publications can be viewed by year.
In ScholarWorks, “MSC” and “PUB” technical reports are housed together, and in some cases, a publication might be electronically available on ScholarWorks if not on this website.
The MSC publications below can also be found on the University of Arkansas ScholarWorks website in the Technical Reports section. Publications might be easier to locate on ScholarWorks; for example, all authors are listed on that site and publications can be viewed by year.
In ScholarWorks, “MSC” and “PUB” technical reports are housed together, and in some cases, a publication might be electronically available on ScholarWorks if not on this website.
Need to Cite an AWRC Pub?
Author Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., Year. Publication Title, Arkansas Water Resources Center, Fayetteville, Arkansas, MSC Publication ###: #pp.
Publication# | Year | First Author | Title | Pages |
MSC399 | 2024 | Grantz, E. | Water Sampling for Bacteria Along Clear Creek Within the Upper Illinois River Watershed | 3 |
MSC398 | 2024 | Everett, B.N. | HUC-12 Prioritization using Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART) within the Upper Saline River Watershed, Arkansas | 27 |
MSC397 | 2024 | Austin, B.J. | Water Sampling, Analysis, and Load Estimation for Brush and Robert’s Creek Subwatersheds within the White River and Beaver Lake Watershed | 22 |
MSC396 | 2024 | Grantz, E. | Metrics for Watershed Success | 44 |
MSC395 | 2023 | Grantz, E. | Constituent Loads and Trends in the Upper White River Basin: A Nonpoint Source Management Program : A Nonpoint Source Management Program | 25 |
MSC394 | 2023 | Grantz, E. | Constituent Loads and Trends in Upper Illinois River Watershed: A Nonpoint Source Management Program Priority Watersheds | 33 |
MSC393 | 2022 | Haggard, B.E. | Defining critical or hydrologic conditions as sampled during the Joint Study | 14 |
MSC392 | 2022 | Grantz E. | Watershed prioritization to reduce nutrient export: A framework for the State of Arkansas based on ambient water quality monitoring data | 56 |
MSC391 | 2021 | Brian E. H. | Sediment Phosphorus Release at Lake Fayetteville | 11 |
MSC390 | 2021 | Lasater, A. | Water Quality Monitoring in the Upper Poteau River Watershed | 62 |
MSC389 | 2019 | Austin, B.J. | Stream Water Quality to Support HUC 12 Prioritization in the Lake Wister Watershed, Oklahoma | 18 |
MSC388 | 2019 | Scott, E.E. | Turbidity and Ion Concentrations Vary with Land Use and Underlying Geology at the West Fork of the White River | 15 |
MSC387 | 2019 | Scott, E.E. | Constituent Loads and Trends in the Upper Illinois River Watershed and Upper WhiteRiver Basin: 2015 October through 2018 September | 79 |
MSC386 | 2018 | Austin, B.J. | Managing Lake Fertility within the Guidelines of a Nutrient Management Plan and Basedon Algal Nutrient Limitation | 14 |
MSC385 | 2018 | Austin, B.J. | Stream Water Quality to Support HUC 12 Prioritization in the Lake Wister Watershed,Oklahoma | 35 |
MSC384 | 2017 | Haggard, B.E. | Final Report to Governors from the Joint Study Committee and Scientific Professionals | 72 |
MSC383 | 2016 | Scott, J.T. | Database Analysis to Support Nutrient Criteria Development (Phase III) | 445 |
MSC382 | 2016 | Haggard, B.E. | Database Analysis to Support Nutrient Criteria Development (Phase II) | 368 |
MSC381 | 2016 | Haggard, B.E. | Database Analysis to Support Nutrient Criteria Development (Phase I) | 183 |
MSC380 | 2016 | Scott, J.T. | Beaver Lake Numeric Chlorophyll-a and Secchi Transparency Standards, Phases II andIII: Uncertainty and Trend Analysis | 21 |
MSC379 | 2016 | Scott, J.T. | Bella Vista Lakes Project: Fertility Management | 12 |
MSC378 | 2016 | Cummings, E. | Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring in Kings River and Leatherwood Creek | 23 |
MSC377 | 2016 | Scott, E.E. | Constituent Loads and Trends in the Upper Illinois River Watershed and Upper WhiteRiver Basin | 89 |
MSC376 | 2015 | Scott, E.E. | Bacteria Monitoring in the Upper Illinois River Watershed | 20 |
MSC375 | 2015 | Austin, B.J. | Monitoring Water Resources of the Gulf Mountain Wildlife Management Area to EvaluatePossible Effects of Natural Gas Development | 39 |
MSC374 | 2015 | Scott, J.T. | Simulated Use of 'First-Order' Ponds to Reduce Peakflow in an Eroding River System | 11 |
MSC373 | 2015 | Simpson, Z.P. | Constituent Load Estimation in the Lower Ouachita-Smackover Watershed | 10 |
MSC372 | 2015 | Scott, J. Thad | Evaluating the Assessment Methodology for the Chlorophyll-a and Secchi TransparencyCriteria at Beaver Lake, Arkansas | 24 |
MSC371 | 2014 | Scott, E.E. | Relation of Chlorine Demand to the Water Quality of Beaver Lake | 21 |
MSC370 | 2014 | Knierim, K.J. | PECCI Code (Python Estimation for Carbon Concentration and Isotopes) for Calculatingthe Concentration and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon(DIC) in Precipitation for northwestern Arkansas | 26 |
MSC369 | 2013 | Haggard, B. | Water Quality Monitoring for Selected Priority Watersheds in Arkansas, Upper Saline,Poteau and Strawberry Rivers | 81 |
MSC368 | 2013 | Haggard, B. | Ecological Design in the Ozarks - Workshop and Lake Frances Charrette | 25 |
MSC367 | 2012 | Haggard, B | Nutrient Criteria Development Mini-Workshops for USEPA Region VI States | 39 |
MSC366 | 2012 | Haggard, B. | Sestonic Chlorophyll-a and Nutrient Relationships Across the Red River Basin, USA | 16 |
MSC365 | 2012 | Bailey, B. | Water Quality Trends across Select 319 Monitoring Sites in Northwest Arkansas | 51 |
MSC364 | 2011 | Haggard, B. | Phosphorus Release from Bottom Sediments at Lake Wister, Oklahoma, Summer 2010 | 14 |
MSC363 | 2010 | Massey, L. | Water Quality Monitoring and Constituent Load Estimation in the Upper Illinois RiverWatershed, 2009 | 52 |
MSC362 | 2010 | Massey, L. | Water Quality Monitoring and Consituent Load Estimation in the Upper White River Basin,2009 | 40 |
MSC361 | 2010 | Massey, L. | Water Quality Monitoring and Constituent Load Estimation in the Kings River near Berryville,Arkansas, 2009 | 16 |
MSC360 | 2010 | Teague, K. | Water Quality Outreach and Education Strategies for Northwest Arkansas and RegionalWatersheds | 15 |
MSC359 | 2010 | Haggard, B. | Water Quality and Watershed Conditions in the Upper Illinois River Watershed | 24 |
MSC358 | 2010 | Weida, R. | Regulatory Drivers for the Upper Illinois River and Other Regional Watersheds | 18 |
MSC357 | 2010 | Haggard, B., ed. | Handbook of Best Management Practices for the Upper Illinois River Watershed and OtherRegional Watersheds | 120 |
MSC356 | 2010 | Thornton, K. | A Vision for the Upper Illinois River Watershed | 5 |
MSC355 | 2010 | Haggard, B. | Final Report to the Illinois River Watershed Partnership: Recommended Watershed BasedStrategy for the Upper Illinois River Watershed, Northwest Arkansas | 126 |
MSC354 | 2009 | Massey, L. | Illinois River Volunteer Monitoring | 20 |
MSC353 | 2009 | Massey, L. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for Nutrients andSolids on the Ballard Creek, 2008 | 9 |
MSC352 | 2009 | Massey, L. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for the Illinois Riverat Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge, 2008 | 10 |
MSC351 | 2009 | Longing, S. | Heterosternuta sulphuria (Coloptera: Dytiscidae) Occurrence in the Sulphur SpringsHeadwater System and in Buffalo National River Tributaries (Arkansas, USA): CurrentDistribution, Habitat Conditions, and Biomonitoring Framework | 18 |
MSC350 | 2009 | Longing, S. | Frequency Distributions of Median Nutrient and Chlorophyll Concentrations across theRed River Basin, 1996-2006 | 32 |
MSC343 | 2007 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 195 Bridge on the West Fork of the WhiteRiver | 12 |
MSC342 | 2007 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Kings River Near Berryville, Arkansas | 11 |
MSC341 | 2007 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 2006, Water Quality Assessment at the Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 15 |
MSC340 | 2007 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Ballard Creek Near Arkansas/Oklahoma Line | 13 |
MSC339 | 2007 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for Nutrients andSediment at the Arkansas Highway 45 Bridge on the White River Just Above Beaver Lake | 14 |
MSC338 | 2007 | Nelson, M. | Continuation of Water Quality Monitoring of the Osage Creek above the Highway 112Bridge Near Cave Springs, Arkansas | 25 |
MSC337 | 2007 | Nelson, M. | Kings River Quality Assurance Project Final Report | 8 |
MSC336 | 2002 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River Phosphorus Sampling Results and Mass Balance Computation | 15 |
MSC335 | 2006 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 195 Bridge on the West Fork of the WhiteRiver | 10 |
MSC334 | 2006 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the L'Anguille River Near Palestine 2005 Annual Report | 7 |
MSC333 | 2006 | Nelson, M. | 2005 Nutrient and Sediment Monitoring Report Kings River Near Berryville, Arkansas | 10 |
MSC332 | 2006 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 2005 Pollutant Loads at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 13 |
MSC331 | 2006 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for Nutrients andSediment at the Arkansas Highway 45 Bridge on the White River Just Above Beaver Lake | 10 |
MSC330 | 2006 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus in the Bayou Bartholomew at Garrett Bridge, Arkansas and Near Portland,Arkansas | 9 |
MSC329 | 2006 | Nelson, M. | 2005 Nutrient and Sediment Monitoring Report Ballard Creek Near Arkansas/OklahomaLine | 12 |
MSC328 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for Nutrients andSediment at the Arkansas Highway 45 Bridge on the White River Just Above Beaver Lake | 9 |
MSC327 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the L'Anguille River Near Palestine | 7 |
MSC326 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | 2004 Pollutant Loads Kings River Near Berryville, Arkansas | 13 |
MSC325 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 2004 Pollutant Loads at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 15 |
MSC324 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus in the Bayou Bartholomew at Garrett Bridge, AR and Near Portland, AR | 4 |
MSC323 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 76 Bridge on Ballard Creek | 14 |
MSC322 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 195 Bridge on the West Fork of the WhiteRiver, 2004 Annual Report | 11 |
MSC321 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Wyman Bridge on the White River | 13 |
MSC320 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washigton County Road 195 Bridge on the West Fork of the WhiteRiver 2003 Annual Report | 16 |
MSC319 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Monitoring of Moores Creek Above Lincoln Lake 2003 | 14 |
MSC318 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | 2003 Pollutant Loads Kings River Near Berryville, Arkansas | 11 |
MSC317 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 76 Bridge on Ballard Creek | 11 |
MSC316 | 2004 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 2003 Pollutant Loads at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 16 |
MSC315 | 2003 | Edwards, F. | Stormwater Pollution Prevention BMP Workshop, Demonstration, and Evaluation | 69 |
MSC314 | 2003 | Maxwell, C. | Swine Waste Demonstration and Training Project | 53 |
MSC313 | 2003 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Monitoring of Moore's Creek Above Lincoln Lake | 12 |
MSC312 | 2003 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Wyman Road Bridge on the White River | 9 |
MSC311 | 2003 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 195 Bridge on the West Fork of the WhiteRiver | 11 |
MSC310 | 2003 | Nelson, M. | 2002 Pollutant Loads Kings River Near Berryville, Arkansas | 10 |
MSC309 | 2003 | Nelson, M. | Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogenand Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 76 Bridge on Ballard Creek | 7 |
MSC308 | 2003 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 2002 Pollutant Loads at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 14 |
MSC307 | 2003 | Brown, A. | Bioassessment of the West Fork of the White River, Northwest Arkansas | 69 |
MSC306 | 2003 | Soerens, T. | Evaluation of Sampling Strategies on Load Estimation For Illinois River at Highway59 | 10 |
MSC305 | 2002 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 2001 Pollutant Loads At Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 10 |
MSC304 | 2002 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River BMP Implementation & Phosphorus Management | 12 |
MSC303 | 2002 | Steele, K. | Pesticide Ground Water Monitoring Project Phase VIII | 242 |
MSC302 | 1998 | Vendrell, P. | Mud Creek Urban Nonpoint Source Demonstration | 7 |
MSC298 | 2001 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 2000 Pollutant Loads at Arkansas 59 Bridge | 11 |
MSC297 | 2001 | Graening, G. | Protection of Cave Spring Cave Biota and Groundwater Basin | 37 |
MSC296 | 2001 | Vendrell, P. | Extended Water Quality Monitoring of the Lincoln Lake Watershed | 76 |
MSC295 | 2000 | Vendrell, P. | Upper White River BMP Implementation Project (NPS Final Report) | 98 |
MSC294 | 2001 | Matlock, Marty | Addressing Uncertanty in TMDLs | 89 |
MSC291 | 2001 | Soerens, T. | Determination of the Pollutant Loads in the Kings River Near Berryville | 9 |
MSC290 | 2001 | Nelson, M. | Determination of Nutrient Loads in Upper Moore's Creek 2000 | 12 |
MSC289 | 2001 | Henslee, M. | Demonstration of Best Management Practices for the Protection and Improvement of theSoil and Water Resources in the Arkansas Delta | 23 |
MSC288 | 2000 | Davis, R. | Ground Water in Northwest Arkansas: Minimizing Nutrient Contamination from Non-PointSources in Karst Terrane | 69 |
MSC287 | 2000 | Steele, K. | White River Forum Abstracts | 27 |
MSC286 | 2000 | Graening, G. | Status Survey of Aquatic Cave Fauna in Arkansas | 43 |
MSC285 | 2000 | Graening, G. | Trophic Dynamics and Pollution Effects in Cave Springs Cave, Arkansas | 47 |
MSC284 | 2000 | Steele, K. ed. | Proceedings of the Arkansas Water Resources Center Annual Conference: EnvironmentalHydrology | 33 |
MSC282 | 2000 | Gilmour, J. | Improving Water Quality Through BMPs for Crop Production Systems While Farm Soil andWater Management | 71 |
MSC281 | 2000 | Scott, H. | Spatial and Temporal Changes in Land Use and Land Cover from 1998 to 1992 In The UpperWhite River Watershed | 24 |
MSC279 | 2000 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 1999 Pollutant Loads At Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 9 |
MSC277 | 1999 | Nelson, M. | Illinois River 1998 Nutrient & Suspended Sediment Loads at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge | 13 |
MSC276 | 1999 | Graening, G. | Cavefish Population Status and Environmental Quality in Cave Springs Cave, Arkansas- Final Report submitted to Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission | 38 |
MSC269 | 1998 | Scott, H. | Vulnerability and Use of Ground and Surface Waters in the Southern Mississippi ValleyRegion | 131 |
MSC268 | 1998 | Nichols, T. | Completion Report: Arkansas State Plant Board Pesticide Ground Water Monitoring Project- Phase VI | 130 |
MSC255Appendix | 1998 | Steele, K. | Storm and Base Flow Water Quality for Bear, Calf, and Tomahawk Creeks, submitted tothe Buffalo National River | 277 |
MSC227 | 1996 | Parker, D. | Illinois River Water Quality Automatic Sampler Installation | 26 |
MSC226 | 1998 | Steele, K. | Field Trip Guide: Illinois River Summary, National Poultry Water Management Symposium | 4 |
MSC225 | 1998 | Nelson, M. | 1997 Pollutant Loads at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge (Prepared for AR-OK Illinois RiverCompact Commission) | 6 |
MSC224 | 2000 | Nichols, Terry | Pesticide Ground Water Monitoring Project - Phase VII | 133 |
MSC223 | 1998 | Steele, K. | Directory of Water Related Courses Offered at Colleges and Universities in Arkansasas of November 1998 | 26 |
MSC217 | 1991 | Burks, S. | Oklahoma State University and University of Arkansas Cooperative Report on Evaluationand Assessment Factors Affecting Water Quality of the Illinois River in Arkansas | 317 |
MSC216 | 1997 | Scott, H. | Investigation of the Statistical and Spatial Distributions of Mercury ContaminatedFish, Surface Waters and Soils in Arkansas | 37 |
MSC214 | 1998 | Brown, A. | Monitoring Cavefish Populations and Environmental Quality in Cave Springs Cave, Arkansas | 49 |
MSC213 | 1997 | Vendrell, P. | Continuation of Illinois River Water Quality Monitoring of Moores Creek | 46 |
MSC211 | 1998 | Lyon, Jonathan | Inventory and Characterization of the Riparian Zone of the Current and Jack ForksRivers | 119 |
MSC204 | 1996 | Parker, D. | Watershed Prioritization | 130 |
MSC203 | 1996 | Steele, K. | Directory of Water Related Courses Offered at Colleges and Universities in Arkansas | 97 |
MSC202 | 1995 | Nichols, T. | Completion Report: Arkansas State Pesticides in Ground Water Monitoring Project, PhaseIV: Eastern Arkansas (Pulaski, Lee, and Jackson Counties | 74 |
MSC201 | 1997 | Soerens, T. | Beaver Lake Water Quality Enhancement Project Data Analysis | 63 |
MSC200 | 1993 | Steele, K. | Complete Report: Pesticides in Ground Water Monitoring Results for Craighead, Mississippi,and Poinsett Counties, Arkansas, Phase II | 119 |
MSC199 | 1996 | Nichols, T. | Completion Report: Arkansas State Pesticides in Ground Water Monitoring Project PhaseV: Vulnerable Areas in Jackson, Monroe, Lawrence and Lonoke Counties | 67 |
MSC198 | 1996 | Reckhow, K. | An Introduction to Lake and Reservior Water Quality Modeling | 25 |
MSC197 | 1994 | Steele, K. | Ground Water Monitoring Project for Arkansas, Phase III | 74 |
MSC196 | 1997 | Lin, H. | Spatial Analysis of the Cause of Mercury Contamination of Fish in Arkansas - A ReportSubmitted to the Arkansas Mercury Task Force | 110 |
MSC185 | 1996 | Lin, H. | Identification of Optimal Locations for Sampling Ground Water for Pesticides in theMississippi Delta Region of Eastern Arkansas | 39 |
MSC184 | 1996 | Scott, H.D. | Landuse and Landcover Classification of Independence, Union, Bradelym and ClevelandCounties of Arkansas | 12 |
MSC183B | 1993 | Daniel, T. | Fact Sheet No. 2: Water Quality and Poultry Disposal Pits | 5 |
MSC183A | 1992 | Daniel, T. | Fact Sheet No. 1: Nonpoint Source Pollution and Water Quality of Northwest Arkansas | 4 |
MSC182 | 1995 | Steele, K. | Animal Waste and the Land-Water Interface | 589 |
MSC181 | 1995 | Scott, H.D. | Animal Waste and the Land-Water Interface, Extended Abstracts of Posters Presentedat an Interdisciplinary Conference Held July 16-19, 1995, Fayetteville, Arkansas | 97 |
MSC179 | 1998 | AWRC | Accomplishments of the Arkansas Water Resources Center: 1994-1998 | 2 |
MSC179 | 1994 | Steele, K. | Accomplishments of the Arkansas Water Resources Center at the University of Arkansas,Fayetteville, 1989-1994 | 2 |
MSC179 | 1997 | Steele, K. | Accomplishments of the Arkansas Water Resources Center at the University of Arkansas,Fayetteville, 1992-1997 | 2 |
MSC179 | 1999 | Steele, K. | Achievements and Accomplishments of the Arkansas Water Resources Center at the Universityof Arkansas, Fayetteville 1995-1999 | 2 |
MSC170 | 1995 | Scott, H.D. | Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Morphological and Land Use Characteristics ofthe Buffalo River Watershed. | 2 |
MSC169 | 1995 | Meyer, R. | Determination of the Seasonal Changes in Nitrate and Phosphate Concentration and PhytoplanktonComposition Within Selected Fertilized Lakes | 61 |
MSC168 | 1995 | Steele, K. | Proceedings of the Arkansas Water Resources Center - 1994 Conference | 47 |
MSC162 | 1994 | Edwards, D. | The Moore's Creek Monitoring Project | 46 |
MSC149 | 1994 | Scott, H.D. | Use of GIS & Two Simulation Model to Estimate the Transport of Pesticides to GroundWater in Woodruff County, Arkansas | 173 |
MSC136 | 1993 | Nichols, T. | Pesticides in Ground Water Monitoring Project | 33 |
MSC134 | 1993 | Scott, H.D. | Determination of Areas Vulnerable to Pesticides Contamination of Ground Water By GISand Satellite Remote Sensing | 51 |
MSC129 | 1993 | Steele, K. | Evaluation Report - FY 1987-1988 - FY 1991-1992 | 69 |
MSC126 | 1993 | Meyer, R. | Determination of the Efficacy of Fertilization Practices on Bob Kidd Lake | 66 |
MSC124 | 1993 | AWRC | Directory of Water Resources Expertise in Arkansas | 38 |
MSC123B | 1992 | King, G. | Arkansas Agricultural Chemical Ground-Water Management Plan Appendices | 99 |
MSC123B | 1995 | King, G. | Arkansas Agricultural Chemical Ground-Water Management Plan | 480 |
MSC123A | 1992 | King, G. | Arkansas Agricultural Chemical Ground-Water Management Plan | 463 |
MSC123A | 1995 | King, G. | Arkansas Agricultural Chemical Ground-Water Management Plan | 100 |
MSC122 | 1993 | AWRC | Focus on Phosphorus | 40 |
MSC098 | 1995 | Meyer, R. | Relationship Between Ground and Surface Water Quality in Karst Systems | 22 |
MSC097 | 1992 | Meyer, R. | The Influence of Reservoir Basin Morphometry on Phytoplankton Community Structure | 40 |
MSC085 | 1992 | Thornton, T. | Reconnaissance Survey of Nitrate Concentrations in Ground Water in Howard and PikeCounties, Arkansas | 33 |
MSC084 | 1992 | Parker, D. | Determination of Recharge Area and Water Quality of the Cave Springs at Cave Springs,Arkansas | 70 |
MSC083M | 1992 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Executive Summary | 116 |
MSC083L | 1992 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Table Rock Lake | 762 |
MSC083K | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Norfork Lake | 776 |
MSC083J | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Nimrod Lake | 618 |
MSC083I | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Millwood Lake | 589 |
MSC083H | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Greers Ferry Lake | 827 |
MSC083G | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Gillham Lake | 438 |
MSC083F | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Dierks Lake | 394 |
MSC083E | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - DeQueen Lake | 408 |
MSC083D | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Clearwater Lake | 565 |
MSC083C | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Bull Shoals Lake | 1081 |
MSC083B | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Blue Mountain Lake | 536 |
MSC083A | 1991 | Moore, J. | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Beaver Lake - Table of Contents through SectionIII, (PART I) | |
MSC083A | Evaluation of Water Quality Data - Beaver Lake - Section IV through Table XLI, (PARTII) | |||
MSC083A | Appendices A - BT, (PART III) | |||
MSC083A | Appendices C - K, (PART IV) | 950 | ||
MSC076 | 1991 | Cox, R. | Investigation of the Relationship of Earthquakes and Underground Waste Disposal inthe El Dorado Area, Arkansas | 10 |
MSC074 | 1990 | Austin, A. | Nitrate Concentrations of Ground Water, Northern Madison County, Arkansas | 63 |
MSC073 | 1990 | Steele, K. | Nitrate Concentrations of Ground Water Benton County, Arkansas | 48 |
MSC068 | 1990 | Steele, K. | Nitrate Concentrations of Ground Water from Limestone and Dolomitic Aquifers in theNortheastern Washington County Area, Arkansas | 33 |
MSC067 | 1989 | Moore, J. | Determination of the Suitability of Arkansas River Water for Municipal, Industrial& Agricultural Use | 1800 |
MSC045 | 1988 | Cantiller, R. | VILMA (Virtually Interactive Large Scale Model for Arkansas), USER'S GUIDE | 198 |
MSC040 | 1988 | Cantiller, R. | Optimal Conjunctive Use-Sustained Yield Pumping Analysis | 258 |
MSC038 | 1986 | Peralta, R. | Optimal Groundwater Mining Methods | 35 |
MSC037 | 1986 | Peralta, R. | Assuring Sustained Groundwater Availability & Achieving Conjunctive Water Managementby Target Approaches | 23 |
MSC035 | 1985 | ASWCC | Proceedings of the First Arkansas Water Conference | 99 |
MSC033 | 1985 | Killian, P. | Interactive Modification of Quadratic Multiobjective Water Resources Planning Strategies | 35 |
MSC032 | 1984 | Nix, J. | Limnological Studies of Lake Chicot, Arkansas in Arkansas Lakes Symposium | 150 |
MSC031 | 1985 | Meyer, R. | Water Quality Management Strategies for Beaver Reservoir | 109 |
MSC030 | 1986 | Alford, G. | An Appraisal of the Serious Nature of Microbiological Infestations of Wells in Arkansasand Other Southeastern States | 37 |
MSC029 | 1985 | Peralta, R. | Optimal Sustained Yield Groundwater Withdrawal Strategies for the BOEUFTENSAS Basinin Arkansas | 199 |
MSC028 | 1985 | Mack. L. | Demonstrations of Arkansas' Water Management Simulator | 11 |
MSC027 | 1985 | Cochran, M. | Projections of Agricultural and Fish and Wildlife Demand in the Ouachita River Basin:A Linear Programming Approach | 121 |
MSC026 | 1977 | MacDonald, H. | Northern Arkansas Groundwater Inventory | 186 |
MSC024 | 1981 | Ferguson, J. | Feasibility Study for a Beaver Reservoir Agricultural Water Supply, Volumes I andII | 106 |
MSC023 | 1981 | Babcock, R. | Classification and Ranking of Selected Arkansas Lakes | 360 |
MSC022 | 1980 | Salamo, G. | Laster Photoacoustic Detection of Water Pollutants - Phase I | 20 |
MSC014 | 1978 | Chittenden, D. | Radionuclide Concentrations in the Arkansas River Upstream and Downstream from theNuclear Power Generating Facility | 27 |
MSC011 | 1977 | Moore, J. | Water Resources Aspects of Coal Transportation by Slurry Pipeline | 72 |
MSC003B | AWRC | Arkansas Water Resources Center Information Phamplet | 2 | |
MSC003A | AWRC | Arkansas Water Resources Center Information Phamplet | 2 | |
MSC002 | 1990 | Carter, K. | Beaver Lake Water Quality Monitoring Plan | 14 |
MSC001 | 1981 | Osborn, C. | A Benefit Cost Analysis of a Soil Erosion Control Program for the Northern Watershedof Lake Chicot, Arkansas | 49 |